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Manual for Teachers: 7. Should Healing Be Repeated?

This question answers itself. If healing has occurred, then what would be the purpose in repeating it? What remains to heal the patient from? And if it has not occurred, then the teacher of God lacked trust when he effected the healing, so healing is now needed for the teacher of God. He is now the patient, and he must so regard himself. He has made a mistake, and must be willing to change his mind about it. He lacked the trust that makes for giving truly, and so neither he nor the patient has received the benefit of his “gift.”

Please note that whenever a teacher of God has tried to be a channel for healing he has succeeded. If he should be tempted to doubt this, he still should not repeat his previous effort. That was already maximal, because the Holy Spirit has already accepted it and used it. The teacher of God has given the problem (even if clumsily) to One Who cannot fail, and must recognize that his own uncertainty is not love but fear, and therefore hate. This is an untenable position, for he is now offering hate to one whom he offered love. This is impossible. Having first offered love, only love can be received. This is why we must not regret having given a gift to the Son of God. Giving is love only. Regret is hate. And hate must be the opposite of love, regardless of the form it takes. Mistakenly, the teacher of God thought the gifts of God could be withdrawn. That was a mistake, but hardly one to stay with. So the teacher of God can only recognize it for what it is (a mistake), and let it be corrected for him.

The one responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself. The teacher of God is a miracle worker because he has given the gifts he has received. Yet he must first accept them. By accepting healing he can give it. If he doubts this, let him remember Who gave the gift and Who received it. Thus is his doubt corrected. Remember, God is the giver and God is the gift.

One of the most difficult temptations to recognize is that to doubt a healing because of the appearance of continuing symptoms is a mistake in the form of lack of trust. As such it is an attack.

Though it does appear unreasonable at first to be told that continued concern is attack, know that doubt and trust cannot coexist. When you truly give the gift, it is impossible to doubt the result. This is the certainty that gives God’s teachers the power to be miracle workers, for their trust is in HIM.

Know this: The real basis for doubt about the outcome of any problem that has been given to God’s Teacher for resolution is always self-doubt. This implies that trust has been placed in an illusory self, because only illusion can be doubted. This illusion can take many forms: weakness and vulnerability, fear of failure and shame of inadequacy, guilty embarrassment from false humility. The form is not important. It is all illusion and not real. What is important is only the recognition of a mistake as a mistake. And mistakes are for correction, not lamentation.

The mistake is always some form of concern with the self to the exclusion of the patient. It is a failure to recognize the patient as part of the Self, and thus it represents a confusion in your own Identity and his. Conflict about what you are has entered your mind, and you have become deceived about yourself. And you are deceived about yourself because you have denied the Source of your creation. If you are offering only healing, you cannot doubt. If you really want the problem solved, you cannot doubt. If you are certain what the problem is, you cannot doubt. Doubt is the result of conflicting wishes and it is not God’s Will. Be sure of what you want, and doubt becomes impossible.

Note: Do you want to help heal your brother as guided by the Holy Spirit? Do you want to ease the burdens of your brother? Do you want to help free your brother from the blockages that are appearing to hold him back in life? If so, you also want to free yourself. And you cannot free just one. When you free a brother, you also free yourself. And as he is worthy of release, so are you!




1. Healing cannot be repeated. We have already said that healing is certain, so what is there to repeat?

2. For a teacher of God to remain concerned about the result of healing is to limit the healing. It is now the teacher of God himself whose mind needs to be healed.

3. To receive the full benefit of the gift of healing, there must be trust that it has been given truly. To know that whenever a teacher of God has tried to be a channel for healing that he has indeed succeeded, is a forerunner to that trust.

4. If the teacher of God doubts the efficacy of his first healing attempt, he must use his reason to tell himself that he has given the problem to One Who cannot fail. He must recognize that his own uncertainty is not love but fear, and therefore hate. Yet it is untenable to offer hate to a brother who is loved. To resolve this dilemma, the teacher of God must remember Who gave the gift and Who received it. God giving to God! Who in this exchange can lose?

5. Thus is his doubt corrected. The gifts of God to God cannot be withdrawn. It is a mistake to think that they can, but hardly one to stay with. As this doubt is thus corrected, the teacher of God can now fully accept the gift he has given his brother. He now realizes he gave fully; the gift cannot be withdrawn; so it is now his as well as his brother’s. It is the inevitable result in the law of giving.

6. We must remember that if there is still an appearance of continuing symptoms, this does not mean that the healing has not taken place. Though it would seem that it has not, remember, it is only an appearance. Some will actually accept the healing, but keep the symptoms. Some just do not want the world to know that they are healed. They may then experience the loss of some benefit that they received while appearing unhealed. So even though they are, they now need healing for the reluctance to admit that healing has taken place.

7. Remember, when you doubt a healing, it is actually self-doubt. This means that trust has been erroneously placed in the illusory self. This is a mistake. Remember your Source, and this doubt cannot continue in the light of that remembrance.

8. If you are offering only healing, you cannot doubt. If you really want the problem solved, you cannot doubt. If you are certain what the problem is, you cannot doubt. Doubt is the result of conflicting wishes. Be sure of what you want, and doubt becomes impossible.

9. So should healing be repeated? Can it be repeated?

Once healing is offered, it is received by the Holy Spirit. Anything after that is redundant. So why waste time repeating something that has already been received – the healing and the outcome? They are both given together and received together, by you and by the patient. You cannot give one without the other. Remember, the function of a teacher of God is to save time. Constant repeating wastes time. So move on to your next assignment, rather than “worrying” with this one. Be free to follow Him all the way Home, in the shortest time possible, to where GOD IS.

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